Air Conditioning Specialists - Welch Refrigeration

5 Signs You Need Air Conditioning

You want to look after the welfare of your workforce

As a responsible, caring employer you will want to provide a comfortable and productive working environment for your employees. Air conditioning puts you in control of the internal temperature of your premises and allows you to make adjustments quickly. This is a real bonus because it means that you can respond to the weather, particularly useful during cold snaps, warm spells and when the temperature deviates from seasonal norms. Being able to stabilize the temperature in the workplace is something your staff will appreciate. Air conditioning specialists such as Welch Refrigeration Services, will advise on the best air conditioning system for your business.

You are experiencing problems controlling the temperature, and your energy costs are rising

It is now commonplace to see air conditioning systems replacing more traditional forms of heating. Speaking to air conditioning specialists will help bring the benefits of bespoke air conditioning home to you. They will be able to design and install a system that is right for your premises. Efficient air conditioning can help reduce electricity charges, and with modern systems it is even possible to set different temperatures in different zones of the workplace.

Productivity is reducing as sick absences increase

No one wants to breathe stale air. Stale air can cause sluggishness and irritability. Humans generate heat from their bodies and odours. These build up in the working environment. Air conditioning will purify the air and filter out dust, debris, odours and pathogens which can be particularly harmful to people with respiratory problems. Once air conditioning specialists have installed your new system, you should see the incidence of coughs and colds amongst your employees fall.

Humidity levels in your workplace are out of control

The recommended level of humidity falls between 40 and 60% with 50% being the level preferred by most people. Humidity increases when the temperature outside is colder than the inside and may convince employees that it is actually warmer in the workplace than it is. Humidity causes mould and mildew and these can affect people with allergies or those suffering from asthma or other breathing problems. If humidity is too low, you might find your contact lens wearing staff experiencing problems with dry eyes and staff generally experiencing dry throats; air conditioning specialists can advise you on the health benefits of a good system.

Employees are making too much noise trying to keep cool/warn and are breaching health and safety

Without air conditioning in a workplace, temperature and humidity levels will fluctuate, and employees will come up with their own strategies to try and rectify matters. These can include plugging in portable fans and heaters which may not be PAT tested, are noisy, cause an obstruction and are probably contravening health and safety legislation. You also need to be aware that your IT system and in particular your servers will operate at maximum efficiency when the surrounding temperature and levels of humidity are as recommended by the manufacturer. Air conditioning specialists will be able to advise on suitable air conditioning for server rooms.

Contact us today about your Air Conditioning needs, our team will be happy to help!